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October 27, 2022

Homeowners Insurance Rates

Colorado homeowners are experiencing insurance rate increases due to circumstances beyond their control. The team at JJ Insurance in Denver, Colorado, can provide more information about this development and work with you to secure a homeowners policy that provides the coverage you need at the best value. Contact us for more information. What Affects Homeowners […]
September 26, 2022

Condo and Townhome Association Insurance

Condos or townhomes are unique homes, offering many benefits for non-traditional homeowners. However, unlike traditional houses, condo owners are only accountable for the interior of their units. The condo or townhome association is typically responsible for the roof and exterior of the buildings, grounds and common areas like elevators, recreational spaces, outdoor spaces, and hallways, […]
August 16, 2022

Moving Away From Home; Are You Still Covered Under Your Parents’/Guardians’ Auto Insurance Policy?

Moving out of your parents’/guardians’ home can be an exciting and nerve-wracking experience. Although you may be eager to have increased independence, you may be a little unsure how to navigate different aspects of living under a separate roof. A concern you may have is what happens to your auto insurance coverage and if you […]
July 20, 2022

Living Off-Campus: What to Know About Renters Insurance

Many college students live off-campus, renting apartments they sometimes share with roommates or live in alone. Today’s students often keep various forms of technology in their apartments. Laptops, phones and other electronic devices are prized by thieves seeking opportunities to steal. Protecting these belongings and other prized possessions they may have in their rental is […]
June 8, 2022

How To Stay Safe While Camping

As the weather starts to heat up and summer approaches, taking a vacation is inevitably a thought that will enter your mind. Camping can be a great way to remove yourself from the city or suburbs and relax with nature. If you plan on taking a camping trip, take some essential precautions both before and […]
May 24, 2022

Flood Insurance: No Policy, No Protection

Every spring, the snow of Colorado’s mountains melt. This snowy runoff replenishes the state’s rivers and reservoirs, irrigates crops and hydrates livestock for many of the state’s farmers and ranchers. The amount of available snow depends on snowpack totals and how it melts, which federal and state agencies continuously monitor. High snowpack sometimes leads to […]
April 19, 2022

Flood Insurance: Part of Homeowners Insurance or a Separate Policy?

Many people have homeowners insurance policies to protect their homes and belongings from perils. One hazard that many homeowners experience is unexpected water or flooding—whether it’s a sewer backup, burst pipe or damaging storm. But many homeowners don’t know which hazards are covered under their homeowners insurance and which may require different insurance. Most homeowners […]
March 23, 2022

Impact of COVID-19 on Nursing Homes & Assisted Living Facilities

COVID-19 has had a unique impact on nursing homes and assisted living facilities over the last couple of years. These spaces have become locations for the virus to rapidly spread and present unique challenges to overcome due to being filled with those at high risk for severe or fatal COVID-19-related complications. Studies have confirmed that […]
February 15, 2022

Why You Should Have Flood Insurance

Floods can develop slowly or swiftly, carrying treacherous water, rocks, mud and debris. Anything in a flood’s path can be quickly destroyed, including homes and properties. Each year, Colorado experiences flash flooding. These floods are caused by heavy or excessive rainfall in a short period of time. Some years, Colorado’s flooding is mild while other […]
January 25, 2022

The Importance of Cyber Insurance

These days, being connected to the internet is essential to running a successful business. However, it also exposes businesses to threats such as ransomware and other cyberattacks, which could result in significant financial harm. Fortunately, if a business has cyber insurance, it may be able to receive financial assistance to mitigate the effects of an […]

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