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December 29, 2021

What to Do If You’re In An Accident

Nobody plans on being in an auto accident, but it’s a good idea to prepare for the possibility. Knowing what to do after an accident can help keep you safe, as well as ensure no crucial steps are missed when it comes to filing a claim. Forgetting a step could delay the claims process, which […]
November 24, 2021

How Do You Winterize Your Home; To Protect from Frozen Pipes

The weather in Denver has turned cooler, and all it takes is one really cold night to freeze some pipes. When water freezes, it expands. If you’re lucky, you’ll turn on your water in the morning and wonder why you have just a trickle of water. If you’re not so lucky, you’ll find yourself in […]
October 6, 2021

How General Liability Insurance Can Protect Your Hotel

If you run a hotel, business insurance is absolutely crucial. Running a hotel means facing a range of liability risks while serving and housing guests for both short and long stays.  Commercial liability risks vary. However, by getting a general liability policy, you have a lot of protection for many of the most-common types of […]
September 7, 2021

Generator Tips for Your Home

When the power goes out in the winter, homeowners become concerned about their house getting too cold. The health of family members is an issue. In addition, pipes could freeze and burst, causing significant damage to the home. Many families rely on generators to keep their home warm when the power fails. However, generators have […]
August 2, 2021

Your Recourse After a Car Wreck

No one wants to have a car wreck. Still, sometimes, accidents happen. When they do, they can be scary, frustrating and inconvenient. Nevertheless, it’s important to keep your wits about you. The law and your insurer will often require a reporting process to document the accident. The right reporting might determine blame and penalties for […]

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